
The Great Recession and a Missing Generation of Exporters (with Bill Lincoln and Andrew McCallum)

IMF Economic Review, vol. 67, pages 703–745, 2019.

Employment Effects of Financial Constraints During the Great Recession

Review of Economics and Statistics, MIT Press, vol. 101(1), pages 16-29, March, 2019.

Firm Entry and Macroeconomic Dynamics: A State-level Analysis (with Francois Gourio and Todd Messer)

American Economic Review P&P, 106 (5), p. 214-18, 2016.

In the media: Speech by Vice Chairman Fisher

Speech by Chair Yellen

International Risk Cycles (with Francois Gourio and Adrien Verdelhan)

Journal of International Economics, Vol 89, March 2013, pp.471-484

NBER Working Paper # 17277

What is the economic impact of the slowdown in new business formation? (with Francois Gourio and Todd Messer)

Chicago Fed Letter, No. 326, September 2014

In the press: